Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 : ACA Cloud Computing Certification Exam Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Martin Hoax |
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Exam Number : ACA-Cloud1
Exam Name : ACA Cloud Computing Certification Exam
Vendor Name : Alibaba
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ACA-Cloud1 Certification Training and PDF Download
At, we provide the newest and most updated ACA-Cloud1 Exam Questions with PDF Download and Real Exam Questions for new topics of the Alibaba ACA-Cloud1 Exam. Practice with our actual Questions and Answers to improve your knowledge and pass your exam with high scores. We ensure your success in the Test Center by covering all the topics of the exam and building your knowledge of the ACA-Cloud1 exam. Pass with our correct questions.
The internet is filled with providers of Practice Questions for ACA-Cloud1, but most of them offer outdated and invalid Mock Questions. To avoid wasting your time and money, it's important to research a valid and up-to-date Study Guide provider on the internet. Killexams is a trusted option for those who don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on an invalid course. You can visit the website and download 100% free ACA-Cloud1 Mock Questions sample questions to see the quality for yourself. Once you're satisfied, register and get a 3-month account to download the latest and valid ACA-Cloud1 Study Guide, which contains actual ACA-Cloud1 exam questions and answers. You should also get the ACA-Cloud1 VCE exam simulator for practice tests.
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Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate (ACA - Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate) is a certification designed for personnel who can use Alibaba Cloud Computing products. It covers all of Alibaba Cloud's core products from computing, storage, networking to security.
Exam Overview
Certification:ACA Cloud Computing Certification
Duration:90 minutes
Test type:Registration online and take the exam at offline exam center
Available Languages:English
Attention:Please note if you want to take the same certification exam again, you must have at least 14 days gap between the 2 exams.
Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate (ACA - Alibaba Cloud Certification Associate) is a
certification technical designed for personnel who can use Alibaba Cloud Computing products. It
covers Alibaba Cloud's core products including computing, storage, networking and security. This
certification assesses the certificate holders' possession of the following capabilities:
● Has general knowledge of IT, Cloud Computing and Network Security.
● Is able to develop general solutions and enterprise best practices based on Alibaba
Cloud's products and business needs.
● Has knowledge in the use and operation of Alibaba Cloud's ECS, Server Load Balancers,
OSS, VPC, Auto Scaling, CDN, Alibaba Cloud Security and CloudMonitor products.
Alibaba Cloud-related knowledge:
● Familiar with the concepts of Alibaba Cloud Computing related products, including ECS,
Server Load Balancers, Auto Scaling, OSS, Alibaba Cloud Security services and
CloudMonitor (the same below).
● Aware of main application scenarios of Alibaba Cloud Computing-related products and
how they shall be used together.
● Familiar with operations of Alibaba Cloud Computing-related products, including
activating, creating, configuring, starting and stopping and deleting a service instance.
● Familiar with features of Alibaba Cloud Computing-related products and key product
implementation principles.
● Able to discover and resolve common issues emerged during the use of Alibaba Cloud
Computing-related products.
ECS 30%
Server Load Balancer 20%
Object Storage Service (OSS) 15%
Relation Database (RDS) 10%
Auto Scaling 10%
Alibaba Cloud Security Service and Cloud Monitor 10%
General knowledge about Cloud Computing 5%
✓ Familiar with ECS-related concepts, including regions and zones, instances,
disks, snapshots, images, networks, and security groups.
✓ Has knowledge about the advantages, billing policies, application scenarios,
APIs and SDKs of ECS.
✓ Able to deploy applications based on ECS products.
✓ Familiar with the usage and operations of ECS instances, disks, security groups,
snapshots, images and tags.
● Auto Scaling:
✓ Familiar with the basic concepts related to Auto Scaling, including scaling
groups, scaling configuration, scaling rules, scaling activities, scaling trigger
tasks, scaling mode and freezing time.
✓ Familiar with Auto Scaling features, product advantages and common
application scenarios.
● Server Load Balancer:
✓ Familiar with Server Load Balancer-related basic concepts and features,
including the Server Load Balancer definition, implementation principles,
supported protocols, session persistence, health checks, backend server
weights, certificates, and forwarding policies.
✓ Familiar with Server Load Balancers product advantages and its application
✓ Has knowledge about usage, operation and maintenance of Server Load
Balancers, including Server Load Balancer configuration, maintenance,
precautions, and problem identification and handling.
● OSS:
✓ Familiar with the OSS-related concepts, including regions, buckets, objects,
anti-leech, and object lifecycle management.
✓ Has knowledge about the advantages, application scenarios and billing models
of OSS products.
✓ Has knowledge about the management, use and operations of OSS buckets and
● RDS:
✓ Familiar with the RDS-related concepts and the database type supported,
include MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and PPAS.
✓ Has knowledge about the advantages, application scenarios and billing models
of RDS products.
✓ Has knowledge about the management, use and operations of RDS instance,
such as connecting to RDS, read only and backup, etc.
● Alibaba Cloud Security services and CloudMonitor:
✓ Has basic security awareness and security basics of using Cloud services.
✓ Has knowledge about Alibaba Cloud Security series, such as Anti-DDoS Basic,
Anti-DDoS Pro, Security Center and CloudMonitor.
● General knowledge about Cloud Computing:
✓ Practitioners in the cloud computing field are required to possess basic
knowledge about the related concepts, technologies and cloud computing
advantages, including the definition, features, advantages, service types,
implementation technologies and deployment methods of cloud computing.
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